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Crochet Braids, NEW IN 60 Inch Rumba Twist
Hi, This is just a quick update on the Crochet Braids we have available. Rumba Twist is available in 12 inch and has now become available in 60 Inchs. Crochet...
Crochet Braids, NEW IN 60 Inch Rumba Twist
Hi, This is just a quick update on the Crochet Braids we have available. Rumba Twist is available in 12 inch and has now become available in 60 Inchs. Crochet...
Beauty Works - Brand In The Spotlight!
Hi Everyone! We thought we'd show one of our favorite brands some love! The well known hair experts - Beauty Works. Beauty Works has been a popular name in the...
Beauty Works - Brand In The Spotlight!
Hi Everyone! We thought we'd show one of our favorite brands some love! The well known hair experts - Beauty Works. Beauty Works has been a popular name in the...
Extensions Q&A - Lockdown Edition.
Firstly, we hope all of you gorgeous lot are keeping safe! What a strange year 2020 has been, right? Since clients have been returning to our salon, We’ve had a...
Extensions Q&A - Lockdown Edition.
Firstly, we hope all of you gorgeous lot are keeping safe! What a strange year 2020 has been, right? Since clients have been returning to our salon, We’ve had a...
Online Sale - Beauty Works Celebrity Choice
Did someone say ONLINE S A L E ? Beauty Works Celebrity Choice Remy Hair is the finest quality of 100% Remy Human hair extensions. Hand selected and cuticle retained our...
Online Sale - Beauty Works Celebrity Choice
Did someone say ONLINE S A L E ? Beauty Works Celebrity Choice Remy Hair is the finest quality of 100% Remy Human hair extensions. Hand selected and cuticle retained our...
Sweet 16 GHD styler - Limited edition!
GHD have been providing you with sleek, straight styles everyday for 16 full long years. This limited edition styler is a celebration of their 16th year of fine hairstyles and...
Sweet 16 GHD styler - Limited edition!
GHD have been providing you with sleek, straight styles everyday for 16 full long years. This limited edition styler is a celebration of their 16th year of fine hairstyles and...
Natural Health Harmony - Virgin Cold Pressed Co...
Coconut oil is used for rectifying anything these days, this wondrous oil can be eaten, drank, melted and used in face masks, hair masks, used on its own as a...
Natural Health Harmony - Virgin Cold Pressed Co...
Coconut oil is used for rectifying anything these days, this wondrous oil can be eaten, drank, melted and used in face masks, hair masks, used on its own as a...
Tape Hair - what you need to know!
Tape in hair is a method of hair extension fitting that's growing more and more popular every year, people are hearing about it, seeing the seamless results and opting to...
Tape Hair - what you need to know!
Tape in hair is a method of hair extension fitting that's growing more and more popular every year, people are hearing about it, seeing the seamless results and opting to...
Zerreau - Towel off shampoo now ON SALE
There are still a few festivals left this year, if you're a fan of the week long festival and you grabbed an early bird ticket then you'll probably want...
Zerreau - Towel off shampoo now ON SALE
There are still a few festivals left this year, if you're a fan of the week long festival and you grabbed an early bird ticket then you'll probably want...
Halo Hair Extensions ( ON SALE ) - how to apply.
Halo is a relatively new brand offer a new way to wear your hair extensions, fun, innovative and super easy to apply, these hair extensions are perfect for both the...
Halo Hair Extensions ( ON SALE ) - how to apply.
Halo is a relatively new brand offer a new way to wear your hair extensions, fun, innovative and super easy to apply, these hair extensions are perfect for both the...
IC Fantasia - Curly & Coily range NEW IN
Curly & Coily is the fresh new range from IC Fantasia specifically designed to enhance your curls and coils and promote new hair growth for luscious thick bouncy hair. This...
IC Fantasia - Curly & Coily range NEW IN
Curly & Coily is the fresh new range from IC Fantasia specifically designed to enhance your curls and coils and promote new hair growth for luscious thick bouncy hair. This...
Cantu Shea Butter - Refresh collection! NEW!
Cantu is a well known brand specifically formulated for people with wavy, curly or coarse hair. Infusing their products with Shea butter or coconut ensures that each products is nourishing...
Cantu Shea Butter - Refresh collection! NEW!
Cantu is a well known brand specifically formulated for people with wavy, curly or coarse hair. Infusing their products with Shea butter or coconut ensures that each products is nourishing...
10% Discount code for online orders!
Use code FabulousFox17 for 10% discount off your full basket! Fill it up, browse all sections and selections of the website and gather your festival gear at a discount. Fancy...
10% Discount code for online orders!
Use code FabulousFox17 for 10% discount off your full basket! Fill it up, browse all sections and selections of the website and gather your festival gear at a discount. Fancy...
New Lusters Pink - Kids Range!
children's hair can be troublesome, they're always up to mischief and tangles / knots are pretty much a given. Introducing the new Lusters Pink Kids range, a bunch of products...
New Lusters Pink - Kids Range!
children's hair can be troublesome, they're always up to mischief and tangles / knots are pretty much a given. Introducing the new Lusters Pink Kids range, a bunch of products...