GHD have been providing you with sleek, straight styles everyday for 16 full long years. This limited edition styler is a celebration of their 16th year of fine hairstyles and professional styling results. Introducing their Birthday Styler, lilac coloured like a sweet 16 party gown, this pair of straighteners would be perfect wrapped up in pretty ribbons for a party gift.

These stylers operate at a temperature between 175 and 185 degrees, GHD exclusive tri zone technology makes sure that these straighteners maintains a constant temperature of 185 which is the best styling temperature to maintain healthy hair. This is the technology that gives you those extra sleek, smooth results full of shine everyday. Wanting barrel curls for a summer barbecue? perfect sleek styling for one of this years weekend festivals? No problem, the rounder barrel on these straighteners paired with their smooth purple glittery, contoured plates means you can create both styles any time any where with ease!
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